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Anatomy in Movement

Functional anatomy classes for everyone working with the body professionally, or those with a movement or fitness practice that would like a better understanding of the relationship between structure and movement.

This course is built upon 5 modules:

  • Module 1: Foundation in the Feet
  • Module 2: Pelvic Balance
  • Module 3: Breath Capacity
  • Module 4: Spinal Health
  • Module 5: Head & Neck Equilibrium

Using theory, observation, and hands-on techniques, these modules will develop your personal understanding of the body’s systems and structures and the interrelationship between structure, function, lines of strain, and how to move more effectively.

Module 1: Foundation in the Feet:

Investigate the foot & knee as the first blocks in a stack creating ‘verticality’ in the body. Learn how strain or injury to this area impacts whole body alignment, flexibility, and power.

Module 2: Pelvic Balance:

The pelvis as our center carries a major nerve plexus, vital organs, and the spinal ‘tail’. What are the components necessary to create physical and emotional well-being in life?

Module 3: Breath Capacity:

In this section, we’ll investigate a structure which affects so much of our life: more space for breath holds the possibility of greater blood oxygenation, enhanced brain function, and heightened levels of movement.

Module 4: Spinal Health:

The spine represents the primary vertical axis in the body in the face of an overwhelming force of gravitation. What keeps the spine resilient and out of danger? And how can we utilize gravity as a constructive force?

Module 5: Head & Neck Equilibrium:

The cervical skeleton is lighter, more vulnerable, and provides for enormous dexterity in the movement of the head as a sensory structure. In this module we will look at how patterns across the body are revealed in the tensions and compensation of the head and neck.


This course is structured as a hands-on, exploratory experience.  It has been developed as a preparatory base for courses in structural bodywork, massage, yoga teacher trainings, and physical coaching.  The format is highly effective for student engagement and learning.