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Structural Integration (‘Rolfing’) 10-Series

Structural Integration (aka 'Rolfing') 10-Series 

This is a 6-week intensive introducing Ida Rolf’s 10-Series.  This will include theoretical and practical exploration of the principles underlying Structural Integration, building an understanding session goals and sequencing, and becoming more proficient in the fascial-release techniques fundamental to restoring alignment. 

This course will take us through a journey of the body's evolution into a new state of 'maturity' and balance as it responds to the strategic release of fascia restriction.  You will learn session sequencing, goals, and content designed by Ida P. Rolf and based upon this unfolding process within the body.  Each session will depend upon your skills in observation and anatomical alignment studied and practiced within this course.  Each progressive session will also help to build your experience and confidence in hands-on, fascial release techniques supporting re-alignment, as well as provide real and practical feedback on session work previously completed.

This is an opportunity to study the full Structural Integration 10-Series as designed by Ida P. Rolf.  You will learn:

  • Sequencing for the full Series - Sessions 1 - 10
  • Session goals and techniques
  • Observation & anatomical alignment skills
  • Fascial-release techniques

Group interaction, hands-on application of concepts, and significant mentoring are key elements of this course.

The study of observation and alignment technique is considered to be 50% of this work and is directly applicable across movement and bodywork disciplines.

Successful completion of this course is a base for providing structural bodywork. Usage of 'Structural Integration' to describe your work is allowed only after successful completion of the Certification course in Structural Integration.  

All students will need to demonstrate proficiency in session content and application prior to full certification as a Structural Integration practitioner.  The requirements for Certification in Structural Integration include:

  • Practical experience (completion of 10+ full Series with models)
  • Completion of the Certification course
  • Anatomy & physiology study
  • 10-Series by a Certified practitioner